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Immature Political tactics of Congress top leaders leading their party's existence in danger and shattering their image

The congress pavilion in its recent years of politics seems totally reluctant to the National integrity and its cultural heritage, which may be matter of no concern for congress commanders but public at no point condoned such ideas neither they accepted this leadership, resulting in rapid decline in the image of congress and its controllers.

Congress Leader Shashi Tharoor himself admits Congress downplayed destruction of Hindu Temples, and cultural heritage of India and justified it with ‘nation building’ excuse, during his debate with historian Vikram Sampath on the India Today conclave that the Congress party on purpose downplayed the historical atrocities committed against Hindus by Islamic invaders.

What Shashi Tharoor essentially admitted to was the Congress party's whitewashing the brutality inflicted on the Hindu civilization to uphold the ideals of Nehruvian Secularism. 


In Kisan Andolan 

 Congress Party is constantly involved to provide a directionless leadership to the so called "farmer protestors" who don't have any common goal to achieve through protest except to be indulged in violence every second day.  

While in the Congress ruled states they are not even letting farmers sell their agricultural products.  


In Recent Speech

 Congress Secretary-General Priyanka Gandhi Vadra following the footsteps of her brother Rahul Gandhi in political tactics, even though Rahul Gandhi has not tasted his success. While Rahul Gandhi goes on saying that Prime Minister is working for 3-4 of his industry friends, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra made the same statement today that Prime Minister Modi sold Air India to his millionaire friend for a small fee.

She made the allegations while addressing the ‘Kisan Nyay Rally’ at Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. In a speech that almost sounded like Rahul Gandhi's regular speech, Congress leader said Narendra Modi was snatching money from farmers to give to his corporate friends. Priyanka Vadra said farmers were protesting against the new farm rules because they knew that when these laws were implemented, all profits, land, farmers' yields would go to the billions of friends of the Prime Minister.

Priyanka Vadra suspected that farmers' incomes were falling because farm prices were set at billionaires. she said Narendra Modi conspired to transfer all the farmers' money to his rich friends. She said that while farmers were bearing the brunt, Modi's friends made thousands of dollars a day, and that Modi had sold state-of-the-art supplies such as airports to his friends.
She also pointed out that while the Prime Minister bought two 'he' planes for Rs 16,000, he was selling Air India for only Rs 18,000 to his friends. It is noteworthy that while Rahul Gandhi kept naming Adani, Ambani as Modi's friends, he did not drag Ratan Tata's name. But today Priyanka Gandhi added Ratan Tata to Modi's 'billionaire' friends list.

In almost every third sentence in her speech, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra mentioned Modi's rich friends. She said in this country, not everyone is safe, except for Prime Minister Modi, his ministers, his party leaders, and his rich friends. This is what Rahul Gandhi has been suing for the past seven years. This shows that Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has chosen to follow Rahul Gandhi's strategy in his efforts to defeat the Yogi Adityanath government in a by-election next year.
The lie of Priyanka Gandhi Vadra

It is noteworthy that like Rahul Gandhi's speech, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra's speech was also full of lies. Prime Minister Modi has not bought two planes, but the Indian government has purchased two state-of-the-art, fuel-efficient VVIP aircraft, to replace Air India's old Boeing 747 aircraft. These are not Modi's private jets, but the Indian cargo government to be used by the Prime Minister, the President and other top leaders of the country. In addition, the two customized aircraft cost about Rs 8400 crore, not Rs 16000 crore as stated by Priyanka Gandhi Vadra.
Most importantly, the two aircraft were not ordered separately, but were part of Air India's order for the 68 planes airlifted to Boeing in 2006, during the Congress administration. Two Boeing 777-300ER aircraft have been removed from that boom as the Indian govt is already considering the purchase of new VVIP aircraft. And it should be remembered that the bad days of Air India had begun after the UPA government ordered more flights than it needed, burying it with a huge debt burden that could not recover.

In terms of the Air India deal, Tata has been declared the winner of the agreement by filing his $ 18,000 million claim, and with it, the company will also take on some of the debt. It was a competitive application, and Dad’s application was very high, showing how the market valued Air India. SpiceJet Chairman Ajay Singh's second application is Rs 15,100. With Air India in high debt, it was always expected that it would not charge a large amount. The government may not make a lot of money by selling it, but the Indian government saves thousands of rands which it has to pay regularly to produce flights.

More than half of Air India flights are leased, not corporate. Therefore, those are not aircraft goods.

 Moreover, Being at top of a National Political Party, making statements without any substantial proof intending to make fool out of the general public is not going to work in 21st century.

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