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David Eshkol has developed a mileage booster for vehicles with the aim of reducing the carbon footprint, which helps in saving petrol

David Eshkol has developed a mileage booster for vehicles with the aim of reducing the carbon footprint, which helps in saving petrol

Rising inflation and ever-increasing petrol prices have broken the back of the common man. 

Looking at the skyrocketing petrol prices, now people think 10 times before driving. The budget of everyone's household has deteriorated. If you are also facing the same problem, then there is good news for you. A technician from Hyderabad has invented a technique through which you can increase the mileage of your vehicle.

A person named David Eshkol has developed a mileage booster for vehicles with the aim of reducing the carbon footprint, which helps in saving petrol. Let us tell you what this innovation is and how it will work.

David Eshkol is the Chief Technologist. He has invented '5M Mileage Boost' which will give you five more benefits along with increasing the mileage in the vehicle. David Ashkol explains that '5M's in the name means this mileage booster has 5 advantages. 


This booster has more mileage per liter of fuel, more pickup, more ease of driving, more torque, and thrust, and most importantly it is to control pollution.

The special thing is that this 5 M Mileage Boost is one such innovation that can be applied to the engine of the vehicle without opening the engine. The 5M mileage boost is connected to the engine of the vehicle through the intake manifold. 

Ultrasonic waves travel through the machine for some time before passing to the CC, which then transmits it to other parts of the vehicle. Eshkol, who developed this innovation, says that this innovation is the result of 13 years of hard work. 

He told that this mileage booster has been developed in the year 2014. Also, since the year 2008, he is working on a machine that will help in increasing the mileage as well as controlling pollution to a great extent.

This innovation of Eshkol is going viral very fast on social media. People are giving different types of reactions regarding this. 

While commenting on social media, some people are asking that 'you just tell where to come to get the car', then another user responded and wrote, 'You are the only one who gets us out of this trouble'.

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