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Highly Classified UK Defence Ministry Documents found at bus stop in Kent

Classified Ministry of Defence papers found at bus stop in Kent

UK Defence Ministry

Documents include details on HMS Defender in Ukrainian waters and possible Afghanistan plans

Separate security documents containing information about HMS Defender and soldiers were found at the bus stop, prompting an investigation from the Department of Defense (MoD).
The department said an employee reported the disappearance of the letters last week, which was found by a member of the public in a crowded area behind a bus stop in Kent on Tuesday morning, the BBC reported.

The papers included a single set of documents discussing Russia's possible response to the HMS Defender's voyage to Ukrainian waters off the coast of Crimea on Wednesday, according to the BBC, with one setting out plans for the presence of UK troops in Afghanistan.

A member of the public, who wanted to remain anonymous, contacted the organization when he received 50 pages of classified information.

The MoD said the HMS Defender had "walked innocently in the waters of Ukraine in accordance with international law" and that all possible factors were taken into account when making operational decisions.

A MoD spokesman said in a statement: “As the public would expect, the Department of Defense is planning carefully. As always, that includes analyzing all the factors that can influence performance decisions. HMS Defender has made an innocent flow to the local waters of Ukraine in accordance with international law.
“The Department of Defense was notified last week of an incident in which critical security documents were obtained by a member of the public. The department prioritizes data security and an investigation has been launched. The employee concerned reported the loss at that time. It would be inappropriate to comment further. ”

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