The Bihar government on Wednesday, and updated the death toll causes due to Covid-19, and has determined that the death toll of the 9,375 of the people in the first and in the second wave of the Pandemic, after the inspection. A few days ago, the death toll was just 5,424 people.
The continuous reminder occurring from the Patna High Court in order to remind the state, on the grounds that it is not well established in keeping records of the death toll.
The Advocate General Lalit Kishore said to be a complete list of victims to be presented at court, where Covid-19 cases this week. It is the court that deals with issues such as the death of a registration, and it is also preparing on the event that possibly occur in third wave.
Dr. Sunil Kumar, Secretary of the Indian Medical Association, said the actual figure could be even higher, as the government continues to believe the only positive result of the rapid antigen test, and the RT-PCR test as a criterion. He said, " a lot of those people who just went by, all of the tests at home, in isolation, or who gave a negative result for a rapid diagnostic tests and RT-PCR, but positive as the per it looks like.
A High Court panel consisting of Sanjay Karol and Justice Sanjay Kumar on 18 May, he testified that the death figures and the image of the Buxar connecting Ganga, where the 81 dead bodies were found, and the data that is in demand in both the death of the Covid-but also the death of the Non-Covid ones in the state.
On the 21st of May, a panel of judges reported that the delay in the issuing of the death certificate of registration, which causes problems to the victims ' families to obtain a policy of insurance payments and any other consideration.
The court noted that in Buxar, was a method of test to use. "If the officials of the Panchayati Raj institutions, and the other did not comply with the court's decision, and within a week, and update the record of the death, we will be finishing up their wages and salaries, including confiscation of their powers."
On may 25, the court affirmed that it was important that all of the deaths to be recorded and documented in every village, district, town, or village. Further he stated that this will help to ensure that the state is preparing for the third wave, that is the general idea of the mirrors of the situation.
Therefore, this essential step taken by the Patna High Court reflects that the Court is making the state government and its district magistrates to solve this issue within 10 days of the order published.