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Biden seems to unify G-7 leaders to counter China’s rising influence

 Biden seems to unify G-7 leaders to counter China’s rising influence


WASHINGTON-President Joe Biden on Saturday, the second day of each and every one, will insist that the g-7 leaders to take concrete steps we have taken to China's growing global influence.

This is going to be one of the stages of the global infrastructure initiative, which is called " to Build a Better World." The Multibillion-dollar plan is the part in which the previously announced are aimed at creating what one White House official referred to as a "better quality" as the alternative to China's Belt and road infrastructure project.

China has developed the land and the sea routes between East Asia and the rest of the world for nearly a decade. Critics argue that the country is trying to use this investment to generate political goodwill by avoiding criticism of his leadership, and financial institutions.

In the novel the g-7, the plan will be funded in part through the existing AMERICAN civil rights, and financial infrastructure institutions such as the world bank and the International monetary fund.
The office said the administration also plans to work with Congress in order to enhance the US's contribution to the g-7, a Tool for Development.

"We hope to work together with our G-7 partners, the private sector and other stakeholders, and soon we will be together, act as a catalyst for billions of dollars in investment in the country's infrastructure in order to deliver to the bottom - and mid-level yields they need," a senior administration official, who spoke anonymously in order to discuss the negotiations, said in a call with reporters on Friday.

Biden administration aides insist that the project is not designed to be getting anything out of this country, to make a choice between the Us and China.

"The point is that the proposal has been positive, with an alternative vision and an approach that we would want to choose" a government official told reporters in a press conference on Friday.

"What we are in for a self-confident, positive journal, which aims to leverage that in other countries have shared values, and the main issues," said this official.
Biden's the most difficult challenge on Saturday is going to be convincing, the g-7 leaders to take tangible steps to counter what's that in the united states is known as "the crime of genocide and crimes against humanity," China to create, mainly on the majority of the Uighurs in the Xinjiang Province.
However, instead of pressing on to the G-7 leaders to denounce China's treatment of Uighurs, Biden is going to take a more diplomatic approach. The president will argue that China's forced Uighurs represented an unfair economic competition.

Biden will make it clear to the world that we think it is an affront to the dignity of human beings, and is an example of China's unfair economic competition," an administration official said. "The point is to send a signal to the g-7 is serious about protecting human rights, and that we'll have to work together to eradicate forced labour, the products of our company."

However, there is no assurance that Biden is able to convince the rest of his G-7 partners to take concrete action.

All of the members of the Group of Seven, ' we have to be prepared for this kind of confrontational approach to China is that Washington's demands,"He is Roy, a senior fellow at the East-West Center, told the South China Morning Post.

"Most people would prefer to have a constructive economic relationship, the quiet, the opposite of some of the Chinese practices," Seung said. "Even in Japan, which is, in general, somewhat hawkish on China, is a sure sign of sanctions against China for the ill-treatment of Uyghurs in the Xinjiang region."

And, as a rule, in the early on a Saturday morning, it was still not clear whether the republic of China (DBM) name of the final statement of the g-7 countries, the leaders of the society, and published in the Sunday, which is also known as the statement.

"We're going to be driving in general, and to reach out to specific areas, such as Xinjiang, which is forced to slavery, and when we need to in order to express the values that the g-7,"a senior Biden official said in a briefing. "But it's too early to say what the final [a message]in the end, is going to be."

China is closely following the g-7 meetings, and earlier this week, a government official in Beijing, the American plan, set in China in the middle of the G7 agenda.

"Any man who wakes up in a stalemate, do not go in the true way,"foreign ministry spokesman Wang, Wenbin said in a press conference. "The grouping of the execution of a block policy, the creation of a small gang is revealed, and doomed to fail."

The g-7 summit, will come to an end on Sunday, Biden will travel to Brussels to attend the NATO summit, on Tuesday. There, too, of the United States of america, there will be a strategy to counter China's global influence.

A Biden administration official said that the meeting will be the first time a NATO country, "is going to bring in a security, the challenge of China and the beach."

But Biden is also expected to meet some of the challenges to be in Brussels, for which he was subjected to in the Uk, the reluctance of many European countries, the risk of its deep economic ties with Beijing, is directly related to the Prc on the basis of their malign actions, and may amount to crimes against humanity.

Biden will meet with Eu leaders on Tuesday.

During these meetings, the president plans to hold a summit meeting with russia's President, Vladimir Putin, in Geneva, switzerland, on 16 June of that year.

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