Prime Minister Narendra Modi took the Twitter to congratulate Assam's new chief minister, Himanta Biswa Sarma, who took the oath of office as the 15th Chief Minister of the Assam State on Monday. The Prime Minister also extended his greetings to all new members of the Legislature (MLA) who were also sworn in next to Sarma."Congratulations to Himanta Biswa Ji and the other Ministers who swore today," wrote PM Modi.
"I hope that this group will add momentum to Assam's
development journey and fulfill the aspirations of the people," the prime
minister said.
Sarma was previously the second Congressman heavyweight
champion and former second minister. He had helped lead the party to victory in
the 2011 general election, but left and joined the Bhartiya Janata Party in 2015.
The Chief Minister thanked Prime Minister Modi on Twitter
for renewing his faith in his leadership, assuring the Prime Minister that he
would leave "unchanging stones to continue" with his vision of taking
Assam upstairs.
Prime Minister Modi also praised Assam's last chief minister and "most important counterpart", Sarbananda Sonowal, for
his role in the development of the state and the strengthening of the BJP base
in the northeastern province of Congress ahead of the 2016 general election.
“My esteemed colleague Sarbanand Sonwal Ji has been in
the hands of the people who support people and development for the past five
years. His contribution to Assam's progress and strengthening the party in the
province is enormous, ”he said on Twitter.
How enormously blessed I feel Hon PM Sri @narendramodi for your faith in me. This is the biggest day in my life, and I so fondly cherish your generous affection. I assure you we shall leave no stone unturned to carry forward your vision of taking Assam, & NE to greater heights.
— Himanta Biswa Sarma (@himantabiswa) May 9, 2021
The BJP in partnership with Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) and
the United People's Party Liberal (UPPL) won 75 of the 126 seats in the recent